Thursday, January 1, 2009

The German Shepherd Celebrates 100Years With the American Kennel Club!

Von Stephanitz described the German Shepherd Dog like this:
"Remarkable in his unswerving loyalty to his master, irrepressible in his high spirits, never idle, always in motion, good-natured but not a flatterer, a constant pleasure to the eye."

In 1908 the American Kennel Club added to its registry two wonderful breeds that have long served their country and will continue to serve their country fighting domestic terrorism. The German Shepherd and the Doberman Pinscher. The GSD's ability to sniff for explosives is because of his keen sense of smell. This strong, alert and intelligent breed is the third most popular breed in the United States today.

If you are thinking of purchasing a home and want a great companion and protector consider purchasing a German Shepherd. As a home companion they are calm, steady alert and protective and form an unbelievable love of family. They are totally devoted to loving and protecting the family. They have an uncanny ability to distinguish between good people and bad people and seem to always be able to sense danger. They have a look of quality and nobility. This dog faithfully keeps America from harm.

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