Wednesday, March 19, 2008


High Fat in the Blood! This is a serious canine disorder that can cause death in dogs. According to Dr.Jeff Grognet, DVM, after a dog consumes a fatty meal, it is natural for the fat level in the blood to rise. Normally it quickly falls again. But in hyperlipidemia the high level is sustained. If a dog still has lipid in his blood 12 hours after his last meal, his body is either producing too much lipid or there is ineffective clearance of lipid by the liver, and the dog has hyperlipidemia.
Prolonged hyperlipidemia creates symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea as well as abdominal pain and distension. The dog goes off food, may have seizures, and fat deposits in the eye can cause vision loss. To diagnose have blood tests done and they will show persistently elevated levels of cholesterol and triglyceride.

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