Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Who Will Care For Our Pets That Outlive Us?

The dog of your boyhood teaches you a great deal about friendship, and love, and death: Old Skip was my brother. -Willie Morris

When the so-called 'Queen of Mean' Leona Helmsley recently passed away, she bequeathed to the care of her beloved Maltese "Trouble" some $12 million. This case may be extreme, but many of us will be faced with this dilemma some day. Who will care for the pets that outlive us? Pet Trusts are an increasingly popular strategy and it doesn't take millions of dollars. An estate planning attorney can help pet owners set up a statutory pet trust for as little as $100, in addition to the cost of a will. California started allowing these in 1991. Most pet trusts name a caretaker and a trustee to handle the money. Within the trust the owner can specify what food to feed, outline vet visits and even where to bury the pet. After the pet dies, the owner can specify what to do with leftover funds (such as designate a charity). Leaving the care of a pet up to a family member or friend that may not be willing or able to live up to the task is a risk that most pet owner don't want to take.T

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