Friday, September 28, 2007

Dogs with Disabilities

I stopped by to visit with a client the other day and was touched by a story about "Tillie". She is a boxer that was rescued. She had been beaten and had damaged eardrums and was deaf when the owners took her into their home to love. The owners had another dog of the same breed that they acquired to be Tillie's ears so that she could follow this dogs actions and become more comfortable with her new surroundings. This was an excellent idea. Mentoring and companionship are both important for a dog too!
This also made me think about people making a move to a new home with a disabled pet. A pet with loss of hearing, loss of sight, old age, etc. must be given special attention to make sure they remain feeling secure when moved. Make sure to keep their old dog bed, toys, blankets, favorite treats, favorite foods etc. Consistency from the old surroundings to the new is really important. Take it slow and make sure that your pet gets as much attention as possible during and after the move. You might consider having a microchip implanted if you think there is any chance your pet might panic in the new location and try to escape or run away.....and you might even think of acquiring another dog to help them acclimate to the new surroundings. It sure helped Tillie out!

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